Posted by : Unknown 19 October 2014

"I love you but I got to love me more.” ― Peggi Speers

We all are taking care of someone else in some point of our lives, but the most important thing to grasp is to remember to take care of yourself. It can range from taking care of your self physically to mentally. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of someone else, maybe even more. I have experienced many people helping others out, when they themselves are suffering on the inside. Maybe they feel that their problems are not as important as others or they don't have anyone to console their problems to. Well that's not true, because everyone should value their problems as equal to anyone else that needs assistance.

Taking care of yourself physically: It can be as simple as exercising to getting the right amount of sleep. Your physical being is something you need to take care of very highly, because sometimes it can be hard to manage. Go on for a walk everyday, it will make a difference. Drink lots of water while you're doing homework or watching TV, you're distracted to remind yourself to drink water. Eat lots fruits and vegetables if want a quick snack to munch on. Eat the ones you like, and don't force yourself too much to eat ones you dislike! Just remember to eat those once in a while, because your body still needs it!! Get enough sleep each night, it will affect how you work the next day. Make yourself a schedule so you"re able to put in the right amount of sleep you need!

Taking care of yourself mentally: Stress and personal life can really hit us hard and can make us lose focus and our thought of process. Taking care of your mental health is essential, and you have to remember that you worked hard to get through this life and you have made it this far. Talking to people about your problems will help rather than keeping it in, make yourself feel more worse. Create an advice group solely for when you need help, and choose people you trust that will help you rather than stand back and watch. Of course this will take a while to achieve, because simply saying "don't be ..." won't affect you at all.

Everyone has their own way of taking care of themselves, but what's important is to remember that your own health comes before others. Have confidence in yourself that you can do what you can do before helping others. If you feel like you can trust yourself, then you definitely can trust others. Be comfortable with yourself first before you can get comfortable with others. You are yours, before you are anyone else's.

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