Posted by : Unknown 12 October 2014

"No legacy is so rich as honesty." -William Shakespeare

(Because of Tablet Issues Pictures will be added later)

Being honest at times can be difficult to others and even yourself. Honesty is the best route to choose in situations, because that truth doesn't have to be in the back of your mind haunting that it might turn up in the future again like lies. Lying will read to roads in one's life that they shouldn't have to be crossing if the y had told the truth. It may not seem like lying in a situation will affect everything and life will move on as usual, but who knows maybe it might cross into your life again. If it doesn't then remember once you start being dishonest, then it will become a habit that can be hard to stop.

Choosing your words wisely: People are sometimes asked questions and tell white lies to avoid any complications. White lies can be avoided if words are chosen wisely. When giving advice or comments to someone who asked for it and it hints a bit of negative commentary, try to find the good and positivity in the situation and mix it in. It shows them ways they can improve and you made them feel good as well. Stop and think about what you're saying. Honesty is not at all being rude and to the point. You can be honest and polite at the same time without hurting the other person's feelings.

Telling the Truth: Sure lies are told avoid getting in trouble, but if you do happen to get caught later for lying, you can regret it. So just say the truth in the beginning to save you from the guilt. The truth can be hurtful at times, but it can open people's eyes to show reality. Living in a world of lies won't do any good. Being truthful to people and yourself create a large wall of trust that allows everyone to be comfortable and good around others. Once you start lying you slowly break that wall one crack at a time, until you get caught and blamed because of your lies is when the wall of trust collapses. Telling the truth creates strong relationships and powerful bonds. Lying to impress others or to gain something will haunt you back.

Being honest with yourself: Trust yourself before you trust others. Ask yourself question and be honest with yourself. If you are hesitant with something, are you really trusting yourself? Once you begin lying it will lead to one lie to many that can really mess up your and other people's lives. Being truthful to yourself, because neither you nor I want you to go through regret and pain. Being truthful can be easy to difficult, but if you try the results are worth it.

Being honest is usually the better road and you don't have to untangle yourself from a mess of lies. Replies to others should show postivity in them, so you can create a level of comfort between you and others. Lies can lead to deadly roads in life and it's the truth that will always remain strong in the end. It's the fact whether you choose to reveal the truth against dishonesty. You control what you say and what road you will head down in. Be wiseful and careful in what you say and try to speak the truth. One lie can hurt many people, but the truth can push away regret and guilt.

An answer to a problem won't always be transparent, but it can be found by you. Don't Worry, Be Happy!

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