Archive for October 2014

Dealing with Others

"When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion." -Dale Carnegie

We all have those days when we don't want to deal with other people or rather have some time alone by ourselves. Sometimes we don't want to deal with people that just make us feel bad at work or school. There are times when someone is having a bad day themselves or is grumpy and decides to take it out on you. During those situations it can be difficult to handle because not only are you involved but another person's point of view of the situation is involved. Sometimes the innocent person can get hurt in the midst of the middle of a person's bad day. 

I remember once when I was volunteering, and was still getting used to the system of receiving calls and forwarding them to other people to go assist the people that had called, there was a time when I has made a mistake. I also remember that many people had forgotten that I was still a newbie at working things out, and they muttered annoyed comments under their breath over the phone. I didn't feel like i was doing a good job and it made me over-conscience over what others were thinking about how I was doing. For one call, I had forgotten to relay a message and the person on the end just replied with, "so...." and I stuttered what I had to tell her until she sarcastically replied, "thanks that helps a lot" and hung up abruptly. 

After nervously laughing I was staring at the phone dreading another person to call, because I didn't want the same mistake to happen again. I was growing nervous if I had to meet with the person who I had called, and thinking how I would feel. What happened next though, had given me a few relaxing breathes. The person who hung up came to me and apologized for rudely replying and hanging up the phone on the other end. She gave me a few pointers on what to do next time, and apologized again. In reply, I also apologized and thanked her and went on with working. I felt much better after she came talking to me and it really helped boost a bit of my confidence. 

If people are behaving rudely to you, sometimes you have to defend yourself. I did not in that situation because of my meek and quiet behavior in the volunteering area. Also if you, yourself behave rudely to others whether you realize or not, think it through properly. Consider other people's emotions and feelings too, because you don't know whether you had badly affected them or not. I myself felt much better, after she talked to me, so if you happen to cause a hysteria or situation with another person, try fixing and apologizing first and the truth and fixation between you and others might mend well. 

If you happen to have a bad day, don't take it out on others because that's just spreading the negativity even further. Apologizing and telling others that "I'm having a bad day" or "I'm angry" and you still keep taking it out on others will not make people try to help you feel better, rather it makes them want to avoid you. Whining will not help. Take things calmly, and if you are a person dealing with these types of people, you can help them or you can avoid them if you don't want to get involved.

An answer to a problem won't always be transparent, but it can be found by you. Don't Worry, Be Happy!


"I love you but I got to love me more.” ― Peggi Speers

We all are taking care of someone else in some point of our lives, but the most important thing to grasp is to remember to take care of yourself. It can range from taking care of your self physically to mentally. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of someone else, maybe even more. I have experienced many people helping others out, when they themselves are suffering on the inside. Maybe they feel that their problems are not as important as others or they don't have anyone to console their problems to. Well that's not true, because everyone should value their problems as equal to anyone else that needs assistance.

Taking care of yourself physically: It can be as simple as exercising to getting the right amount of sleep. Your physical being is something you need to take care of very highly, because sometimes it can be hard to manage. Go on for a walk everyday, it will make a difference. Drink lots of water while you're doing homework or watching TV, you're distracted to remind yourself to drink water. Eat lots fruits and vegetables if want a quick snack to munch on. Eat the ones you like, and don't force yourself too much to eat ones you dislike! Just remember to eat those once in a while, because your body still needs it!! Get enough sleep each night, it will affect how you work the next day. Make yourself a schedule so you"re able to put in the right amount of sleep you need!

Taking care of yourself mentally: Stress and personal life can really hit us hard and can make us lose focus and our thought of process. Taking care of your mental health is essential, and you have to remember that you worked hard to get through this life and you have made it this far. Talking to people about your problems will help rather than keeping it in, make yourself feel more worse. Create an advice group solely for when you need help, and choose people you trust that will help you rather than stand back and watch. Of course this will take a while to achieve, because simply saying "don't be ..." won't affect you at all.

Everyone has their own way of taking care of themselves, but what's important is to remember that your own health comes before others. Have confidence in yourself that you can do what you can do before helping others. If you feel like you can trust yourself, then you definitely can trust others. Be comfortable with yourself first before you can get comfortable with others. You are yours, before you are anyone else's.


"No legacy is so rich as honesty." -William Shakespeare

(Because of Tablet Issues Pictures will be added later)

Being honest at times can be difficult to others and even yourself. Honesty is the best route to choose in situations, because that truth doesn't have to be in the back of your mind haunting that it might turn up in the future again like lies. Lying will read to roads in one's life that they shouldn't have to be crossing if the y had told the truth. It may not seem like lying in a situation will affect everything and life will move on as usual, but who knows maybe it might cross into your life again. If it doesn't then remember once you start being dishonest, then it will become a habit that can be hard to stop.

Choosing your words wisely: People are sometimes asked questions and tell white lies to avoid any complications. White lies can be avoided if words are chosen wisely. When giving advice or comments to someone who asked for it and it hints a bit of negative commentary, try to find the good and positivity in the situation and mix it in. It shows them ways they can improve and you made them feel good as well. Stop and think about what you're saying. Honesty is not at all being rude and to the point. You can be honest and polite at the same time without hurting the other person's feelings.

Telling the Truth: Sure lies are told avoid getting in trouble, but if you do happen to get caught later for lying, you can regret it. So just say the truth in the beginning to save you from the guilt. The truth can be hurtful at times, but it can open people's eyes to show reality. Living in a world of lies won't do any good. Being truthful to people and yourself create a large wall of trust that allows everyone to be comfortable and good around others. Once you start lying you slowly break that wall one crack at a time, until you get caught and blamed because of your lies is when the wall of trust collapses. Telling the truth creates strong relationships and powerful bonds. Lying to impress others or to gain something will haunt you back.

Being honest with yourself: Trust yourself before you trust others. Ask yourself question and be honest with yourself. If you are hesitant with something, are you really trusting yourself? Once you begin lying it will lead to one lie to many that can really mess up your and other people's lives. Being truthful to yourself, because neither you nor I want you to go through regret and pain. Being truthful can be easy to difficult, but if you try the results are worth it.

Being honest is usually the better road and you don't have to untangle yourself from a mess of lies. Replies to others should show postivity in them, so you can create a level of comfort between you and others. Lies can lead to deadly roads in life and it's the truth that will always remain strong in the end. It's the fact whether you choose to reveal the truth against dishonesty. You control what you say and what road you will head down in. Be wiseful and careful in what you say and try to speak the truth. One lie can hurt many people, but the truth can push away regret and guilt.

An answer to a problem won't always be transparent, but it can be found by you. Don't Worry, Be Happy!


“Socializing is more positive than being alone, that’s why meetings are so popular. People don’t like being alone. That would be, however, an important skill to learn...” 
― Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The world is filled with introverts and extroverts and both have their own ways of socializing. Extroverts tend to have more energy and get along with people easily, while introverts tend to take things more calmly and slowly. Whether you are either of the two, at times there can be situations where people find it difficult and it can feel like a scary thing to do. From the time we were little we've been pushed to speak up and talk to others, but some kids still grow up naturally shy and that's completely natural. Interacting with people makes you feel good even if it took a hard time to try and talk to someone. As a shy extrovert myself, if things are taken slowly and calmly it can have very good results in the end and it makes me feel good with myself as well!

Step out of your bubble: It's quite comfortable staying in your little safe and intact bubble, but there are times when loneliness takes over and it isn't a good feeling. If you want to share the joy of interacting, then try popping your bubble of isolation. Talk to people. Take it slowly though and you can find people who have similarities or the same ideas as you. Relax and don't let anxiety get to you interacting with people. Taking things slowly helps a lot because who knows, maybe the person you're talking to may be shy or an introvert as well. Talking to people and having fun while doing it, is completely worth it.

Start up the conversation: For extroverts, they can be found to interact with people more easily and if you are in this category then try reaching to those people who find it difficult to start off the conversation. At first it can be really awkward, but you're gonna have to get through the awkwardness someday. Hopefully. Starting up the conversation may lead from one point to another, but if does abruptly stops, think of new things to talk about to keep it going. I, myself appreciate when another person starts up the conversation for me, it let's them have a control of the conversation and I feel more relaxed this way.

It's hard, but worth it: Sometimes, we can get anti-social and want to have a break from people, so we stray away from socializing. That can drive away the comfortably with interactions and make it harder for people to interact next time. Go and talk with people with your own comfort level, because as soon as you realize it, it gets quite fun and it makes you feel good happy to spend time with people you enjoy!

Socializing should be handled with care because you don't want to be accidentally talking to a person that makes you feel bad. Those people are not worth your time, and you want to put yourself in an environment that makes you happy and that doesn't put you down. Having someone to talk to, can ease boredom and can bring joy. Conversations can lead to smiles and laughter, so try talking to more and more people because all in all talking and socializing with as much as people as you can is a good feeling to know inside.

An answer to a problem won't always be transparent, but it can be found by you. Don't Worry, Be Happy!

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