Archive for September 2014


"Happiness is a choice. You can choose to be happy. There's going to be stress in life, but it's your choice whether you let it affect you or not." -Valerie Bertinelli

Stress is a natural part of life and it's visible throughout many children, teenagers and adults. Stress isn't always a bad thing, the term "eustress" is a "good" type of stress.  Eustress is a type of stress that is short-term and motivating. It helps people perform a task and it unpleasant like its opposite "distress". Distress tends to cause anxiety and can lead to mental health and physical problems to the body. Some people deal with stress though bad habits of turning to Stress can usually be caused by school, personal, or family life, and even though it's something that naturally happens in life, there are ways to help cope with stress!

Take Breaks, Relax, Get Distracted: Stress can be caused because of an large amount of workload that you have. Take a breather or two and get your mind relaxed by listening to music that helps you relax. If you are working on a particular thing, take breaks in between for a short while to get your mind off of it. Take deep breathes. It helps. It really does. Stress can lead to anxiety and to help reduce that, breathe in 7 seconds slowly and breathe out slowly for 8 seconds. It helps calm you down and you're focusing on counting how many seconds you are breathing. Lay down on the ground and stare at the roof or sky, if that helps you relax and gets your mind off of things. Distract yourself by playing video games, watching TV, drawing, reading, writing, anything that will help distract you. Sleeping helps relax your body and when you're sleeping you're not paying attention to anything whatsoever, so it does help you kick stress away.

Push the Stress Away and Work: Some people like to work hard to drive the stress away. School is definitely where a great amount of stress comes from ranging from the school load to grades to social complications. A best way to cope with this is to be patient, and roll with it. Stress here can deeply damage a person's motivation which can lead to students not doing any work at all and putting it off to the end which grows their stress even larger than it was. To deal with this stress is to "ignore" the feeling of stress as best as you can and force yourself to do the work. Push all that stress away and once you finished the work, you can realize that it wasn't so hard and the feeling after you have handled all that stress feels very nice and simple.

Talk to Someone: Talking to someone, can distract you and make you feel better. They can help you out and motivate you to move on. Bottling up your feelings won't help at all, it'd make it worse. Letting your feelings out feels a lot better than feeling suffocated in a bottle of hidden feelings. The person or people you talk may be going through the same emotions as you and you know that you are not alone with these types of problems. Just letting your feelings out in general makes you feel better, and if you're not comfortable with talking with someone live, then text or write in a journal about what's been happening.

Stress can be very suffocating and hard to deal with many times, but that doesn't mean you have to resort to unhealthy ways of coping with it. There are many ways to help yourself without hurting your health at the same time. Time waits for no one, and you will have to move on. It will be difficult at times, but if you stay stuck to the cold present how can you move onto the bright future that awaits ahead? You will make it through the stress. You are going to make it through.

An answer to a problem won't always be transparent, but it can be found by you. Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Academic Pressure

"No matter how good you are at planning, the pressure never goes away. So I don't fight it. I feed off it. I turn pressure into motivation to do my best." - Benjamin Carson

As academic competition gets more tough with each passing day, the pressure in teens grow larger as well. Pressure can lead to nervous breakdowns and anxiety issues, and that can be hard to handle for most teens. Pressure usually can't be avoided, rather it's a part of life, but there indeed is ways to lessen the pressure load from your shoulders. Here are some topics that students dread, but there is a bit of value in them.

The "F" Bomb: No not that word. The grade. Everyone usually gets a bad grade one in a while in their life. For different individuals, a bad grade can range from an F to a B to maybe an A-. Getting a bad grade, won't affect your entire life. It may put you down at first, but getting that grade should help motivate you to work harder and do your best on your next work. Hiding your grades from parents or teachers won't do you any good, otherwise how are you going to get help and improve from? Communication will help, and the motivation you recieve will make you feel better as well! Don't give up over a grade, keep trying and I know you can make it through !!

Studying: No one likes studying. I don't. We want that good grade though, so we have to. Studying really helps and it gives you confidence on the test day as well. Cramming the night before, tends to bring nervousness and you can lose the valuable information that could be important for later topics. It's worth taking a few hours of your free time to study beforehand and then coming on the test day understanding the questions, rather than guessing on them. Everyone has their own way of studying and methods for memorizing, but in the end all that matters is it's use of how it can help you improve and do well in the class.

Homework: Something else that we all don't like. It's also something, we majorly procrastinate on. This blog post is something I have been procrastinating on and it's due today. Good job me. Procrastination becomes a bad habit when it comes to homework and projects. Try doing your homework on time, because if you do it relieves you from the stress of having to do it knowing it's due the next day or soon. Actually do your homework as well, homework is to help you maintain the concepts of what you learned that day in class, and it might help you on future tests as well. If there are any particular difficulties on homework, teacher might add similar looking ones on the test. Don't burn yourself over homework either ! Take breaks in between to cool down your head, but at the same time don't get too distracted to the point where you realize you still have two hours worth more of homework left at 11 pm. Because that can happen. Once. Or twice...

There are many other academic pressures out there, but the main thing to help overcome them is to believe in yourself that you can do it, and to remember your grades DO NOT affect who you are. Give yourself a breather once in a while, enjoy your time with your friends, surf the internet, just relax. Patience in yourself will help. Remember, you made it this far in your education, I believe you can walk even further!

(Some apps that help with me from being distracted for studying for tests/exams/homework is an app for chrome or an app for macs)

An answer to a problem won't always be transparent, but it can be found by you. Don't Worry, Be Happy!

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